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Описание деятельности компании

Detecon: Management and Technology Consulting Detecon is one of the World’s leading consulting companies for integrated management and technology consulting. Detecon was founded in 1977 with the aim of offering consulting services to the telecommunications industry around the globe. In view of the growing importance of IT and TC technologies in areas far beyond the narrow confines of actual telecommunications, we have taken this expertise as our starting point to offer consulting services to clients from virtually all industries. Our services focus on consulting and implementation solutions which are derived from the use of information and communications technology (ICT). Detecon’s know-how is based on a comprehensive understanding of markets, technologies, and business processes which has been tried and tested and which bundles the knowledge of successfully completed management and ICT projects in over 100 countries. Detecon is a subsidiary of T-Systems, the business customer brand of Deutsche Telekom. Designing Future Business: The Detecon Consulting Approach The rapid development of information and telecommunications technologies is having an increasingly strong influence on the strategies of companies as well as on the processes within organizations. The adaptations which become necessary as a result of this affect business models and corporate structures, not only technological applications. If this process is to be designed successfully, the integrated knowledge of various disciplines is required, and Detecon brings these together under one roof. Due to the unique combination of strategic management consulting, organization and process consulting, and Detecon’s technological expertise, we can provide our clients today with the solutions needed to ensure their business success tomorrow. We are independent of manufacturers and our sole obligation is to our clients' success.

Контактная информация

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Открыть данные Совпадение по телефону, по сайту

Другие умные списки компаний

Россия, Строительство и проектирование База компаний из России в сфере "Строительство и проектирование"
Москва, Строительство и проектирование База компаний из Москвы в сфере "Строительство и проектирование"
Россия, Лесная и бумажная продукции База компаний из России в сфере "Лесная и бумажная продукции"
Москва, Лесная и бумажная продукции База компаний из Москвы в сфере "Лесная и бумажная продукции"
Россия, Профессиональные и коммерческие услуги База компаний из России в сфере "Профессиональные и коммерческие услуги"
Москва, Профессиональные и коммерческие услуги База компаний из Москвы в сфере "Профессиональные и коммерческие услуги"

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