ООО Турк Рус5.8

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Company name
ООО Турк Рус
Employees count
20-99 employees
Communications Networking
Электронная почта
277 873 000 

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Мы помогаем увеличить в 4 раза вероятность сделки при работе с новыми клиентами. Экономия времени и ресурсов при поиске потенциальных клиентов, возможность приходить к ним в правильные моменты, раньше конкурентов и автоматизировать этот поток

Описание деятельности компании

Communications Networking

For over 50 years TURCK have been masters of innovation, dedicated to fulfilling the diverse needs of industrial automation. Over the decades, TURCK has firmly established itself as a valuable partner of industry in all aspects of factory automation. TURCK is a leading manufacturer in industrial automation. As a pioneer and pacemaker in sensor technology, TURCK was among the first companies to recognise the possibilities of automating production processes by using electronic components. TURCK has persistently consolidated its lead and never ceased to develop innovative solutions pointing the way to the future. Based on the company’s extensive knowledge of industrial automation, TURCK today is in a position to offer products and solutions for the full spectrum of automation tasks: with an enormously versatile range of more than 13,000 sensor, interface and fieldbus technology products, TURCK offers highly effective product solutions for every possible application. Over the decades, TURCK has firmly established itself as a valuable partner of industry in all aspects of factory automation. Alongside our comprehensive range of first-class products, we also provide tailor-made solutions that are both economical and yet perfectly adjusted to the highly specific needs of our customers, thus yielding real competitive advantages. In line with the company’s keystone objective towards customer requirements and market needs, TURCK has grown from a manufacturer of electronic components into a provider of full system solutions. Our strategy is simple yet challenging: we want to provide our customers with the cream of the crop – quickly, flexibly and reliably. And following this motto we ensure the efficiency, quality and safety of industrial plants all over the world.

Contact Information

127106, г. Москва, ш. Алтуфьевское, д. 1/7 Legal address
Reveal data Actual address
Reveal data Moscow, виртуальный (ip-телефония)
Reveal data Germany, городской
Reveal data 23 December 1999 (25 years ago)

Лицензии, сертификаты и судебные процессы

Размер компании

Организационная структура компании

Legal and financial information

Profit: 27.5 млн.  По данным налоговой декларации
Revenue: 277.9 млн.  По данным налоговой декларации

Смежные компании

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Другие умные списки компаний

Russia, Paper Forest Products База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Paper Forest Products"
Moscow, Paper Forest Products База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Paper Forest Products"
Russia, Construction Engineering База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Construction Engineering"
Moscow, Construction Engineering База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Construction Engineering"
Russia, Real Estate Operations База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Real Estate Operations"
Moscow, Real Estate Operations База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Real Estate Operations"

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127106, г. Москва, ш. Алтуфьевское, д. 1/7 Legal address
Reveal data Actual address
Reveal data Moscow, виртуальный (ip-телефония)
Reveal data Moscow, виртуальный (ip-телефония)

Saint Petersburg

Reveal data Actual address
Reveal data Saint Petersburg, Мск+0, виртуальный (ip-телефония)


Reveal data Ufa, Мск+2, виртуальный (ip-телефония)


Reveal data Novosibirsk, Мск+4, мобильный


Reveal data Yekaterinburg, Мск+2, мобильный
Reveal data Yekaterinburg, Мск+2, мобильный


Reveal data Tyumen, Мск+2, мобильный


Reveal data Kazan, Мск+0, мобильный


Reveal data Samara, Мск+1, мобильный

Legal and financial information

Profit: 27.5 млн.  По данным налоговой декларации
Revenue: 277.9 млн.  По данным налоговой декларации
Создана 24 November 2005 Дата регистрации юридического лица


КПП: Reveal data
407 02 810 3 0001 0986753 Номер расчетного счета в банке
Main OKVED 46.69.5 Торговля оптовая производственным электротехническим оборудованием, машинами, аппаратурой и материалами
Кор. счет: 301 01 810 3 0000 0000545 Корреспондентский счет банка


Сайт появился 23 December 1999 (25 years ago) Дата регистрации доменного имени

Судебные процессы

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