ООО Sysmex RUS6

ООО «Сисмекс РУС»

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Company name
ООО Sysmex RUS
Электронная почта
2 079 487 000 
Company status

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Описание деятельности компании

Sysmex Europe GmbH is a subsidiary of Sysmex Corporation, a leading international company designing and producing diagnostic solutions for medical laboratories world-wide. Located in Hamburg Sysmex Europe GmbH is taking care for bringing the latest healthcare relevant developments to Europe, Middle East and Africa through our affiliate companies and local co-operation partners. Co-ordination of marketing and service activities and communication of regulatory- and market demands to our Japanese mother company made Sysmex the market leader for haematology systems in Europe. The brand name Sysmex is well-known and respected world-wide as being synonymous for innovation and reliability of products and services. In its 40th Year after having been founded Sysmex can proudly look back on a history of care and success. The sales turnover is exceeding the 1 billion Dollar mark and Sysmex is the clear No. 1 in the global haematology market. Sysmex as leading supplier of diagnostic solutions is focusing on best possible laboratory and clinician support by designing and delivering tailor made concepts. Those concepts serve both, the disease and case management and, an optimised case workflow for any individual healthcare institution.

Contact Information

Reveal data Actual address
123290, Москва г., Магистральный 1-Й туп., д. 11, с. 10, ЭТ 2 Пом V Ком 1-23, 25-39 Legal address
Reveal data Moscow, городской
Reveal data Germany, городской
Reveal data 28 September 2010 (13 years ago)

Лицензии, сертификаты и судебные процессы

Организационная структура компании

Employees of the company

Legal and financial information

Profit: 68.6 млн.  По данным налоговой декларации
Revenue: 2.1 млрд.  По данным налоговой декларации

Смежные компании

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Reveal data Match by itn, by phone
Reveal data Match by itn, by phone
Reveal data Match by phone
Reveal data Match by phone
Reveal data Match by phone
Reveal data Match by phone

Другие умные списки компаний

Russia, Food Drug Retailing База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Food Drug Retailing"
Moscow, Food Drug Retailing База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Food Drug Retailing"
Russia, Auto Vehicles Parts Service Retailers База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Auto Vehicles Parts Service Retailers"
Moscow, Auto Vehicles Parts Service Retailers База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Auto Vehicles Parts Service Retailers"
Russia, Food, Tobacco База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Food, Tobacco"
Moscow, Food, Tobacco База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Food, Tobacco"

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Reveal data Actual address
123290, Москва г., Магистральный 1-Й туп., д. 11, с. 10, ЭТ 2 Пом V Ком 1-23, 25-39 Legal address
Reveal data Moscow, городской


Reveal data Athens, Мск-1, городской
Reveal data Athens, Мск-1, городской
Reveal data Athens, Мск-1, городской
Reveal data Athens, Мск-1, городской


Reveal data Kazakhstan, мобильный
Reveal data Kazakhstan, мобильный
Reveal data Kazakhstan, мобильный
Reveal data Kazakhstan, мобильный
Reveal data Kazakhstan, мобильный
Reveal data Kazakhstan, мобильный

Legal and financial information

Profit: 68.6 млн.  По данным налоговой декларации
Revenue: 2.1 млрд.  По данным налоговой декларации
Создана 11 January 2011 Дата регистрации юридического лица


КПП: Reveal data
407 02 810 8 0000 1445148 Номер расчетного счета в банке
Main OKVED 46.46 Торговля оптовая фармацевтической продукцией
Кор. счет: 301 01 810 2 0000 0000700 Корреспондентский счет банка


Сайт появился 28 September 2010 (13 years ago) Дата регистрации доменного имени

Social networks

Twitter — 19 subscribers


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Судебные процессы

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