Синопсис ГмбХ , Санкт-Петербургское представительство компании

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Company name
Синопсис ГмбХ , Санкт-Петербургское представительство компании
Saint Petersburg
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Описание деятельности компании

Synopsys is the leading provider of electronic design automation software and services used to design complex integrated circuits, field-programmable gate arrays and systems-on-chips for the global semiconductor and electronics industries. Synopsys is also a leader in providing advanced technology to address yield and manufacturing issues early in the design process, and in delivering pre-designed and pre-verified blocks of intellectual property that can be easily inserted into design flows. Compute power, multi-media, graphics, video and communications features are converging in consumer products, putting additional pressure on engineers to create designs that are especially sensitive to cost, power consumption and size. Synopsys gives its customers a competitive edge in bringing the best products to market quickly while reducing costs and schedule risk. From high-level synthesis to silicon, Synopsys provides solutions to the most difficult challenges that confront engineers who are pushing electronic design to the limit. Synopsys technology can be found in virtually every chip in the world. History During the past 20 years, Synopsys has grown from a small one-product start-up to a diverse company that is the technology leader in integrated circuits design tools, offering a complete solution from concept to silicon. The company was founded in 1986 by Dr. Aart J. de Geus and a team of engineers from General Electric’s Microelectronics Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. First established as “Optimal Solutions,” Synopsys was chartered to develop and market the synthesis technology developed by the team at General Electric. Synopsys proceeded to pioneer the commercial application of logic synthesis that has since been adopted by every major electronics company in the world. Throughout its history, Synopsys has accelerated its technology strategy by adding to its internally developed products with technology gained from mergers and acquisitions. Products and Technology Synopsys products span the entire design flow, allowing customers to use integrated best-in-class technology from design specification to silicon fabrication. Synopsys develops and supports products in four major areas in order to provide customers with an integrated solution for advanced integrated circuits design and verification.

Contact Information

Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской

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Russia, Food, Tobacco База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Food, Tobacco"
Moscow, Food, Tobacco База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Food, Tobacco"
Russia, Professional Commercial Services База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Professional Commercial Services"
Moscow, Professional Commercial Services База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Professional Commercial Services"

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Reveal data Moscow, виртуальный (ip-телефония)
Reveal data Moscow, городской

Saint Petersburg

Reveal data Saint Petersburg, Мск+0, городской
Reveal data Saint Petersburg, Мск+0, городской


Reveal data London, Мск-3, городской


Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data United Kingdom, городской
Reveal data Germany, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data United Kingdom, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data Germany, городской
Reveal data India, городской
Reveal data Armenia, городской
Reveal data Armenia, городской


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