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Найдите клиентов для отдела продаж с нашими умными базами

Мы помогаем увеличить в 4 раза вероятность сделки при работе с новыми клиентами. Экономия времени и ресурсов при поиске потенциальных клиентов, возможность приходить к ним в правильные моменты, раньше конкурентов и автоматизировать этот поток

Описание деятельности компании

Since it has been the era of the rise of ad blockers, publishers are concerned with finding approaches and technologies that might help them bypass ad blockers. According to several researches, websites lose about $20 billion in revenue annually because of ad blocking. AddCPM is a technology and innovation company specializing in digital advertising. Our products and services enable new ways of getting additional revenue from online ads. AddCPM offers a simple yet powerful solution that can be activated with a few clicks and helps publishers and advertising networks counteract the effects of ad blocking. The service supports a wide range of ad formats: native, images, video etc. We have been operating in online advertising since november 2016. Despite a very short term of sales activities, our customer base already contains more than 700 medium and large customers (publishers ,advertising networks etc). We are serious about competing in the global marketplace. We are confident about future success as we believe in our product and the value it delivers to our customers. For more details and industry insights follow the link: https://addcpm.com/en/

Contact Information

Reveal data London, Мск-3, городской
Reveal data Moscow, городской

Организационная структура компании

Смежные компании

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Reveal data Match by phone

Другие умные списки компаний

Russia, Construction Engineering База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Construction Engineering"
Moscow, Construction Engineering База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Construction Engineering"
Russia, Professional Commercial Services База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Professional Commercial Services"
Moscow, Professional Commercial Services База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Professional Commercial Services"
Russia, Paper Forest Products База компаний from Russia in the industry of "Paper Forest Products"
Moscow, Paper Forest Products База компаний from Moscow in the industry of "Paper Forest Products"

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Мы уверены в пользе нашей системы для вашего бизнеса! После регистрации мы бесплатно предоставим тестовую воронку с базой контактов. Попробуйте и убедитесь сами как просто можно найти клиентов и продавать в 4 раза быстрее!


Reveal data Moscow, городской


Reveal data London, Мск-3, городской


Reveal data Ukraine, городской
