MELLON Ukraine
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MELLON Ukraine
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Описание деятельности компании
Меллон Украина – это дочернее предприятие группы компаний Mellon Group, открытое 2007 году в Киеве, и предлагающее услуги ведущим компаниям и организациям с клоиентоориентированным бизнесом, таким, как банки, телекоммуникационные провайдеры, предприятия коммунального обслуживания и другие приватные компании. Преимуществом Меллон Украина является то, что компания объединяет международный опыт Меллон Груп. Наши клиенты получают преимущества в виде проверенных на практике технологий и широкий диапазон из квалифицированных аутсорсинговых услуг, осуществляемых и поддерживаемых на локальном уровне. В виду стремительного развития Меллон Украина ищет профессионалов для работы в Киевском офисе. Mellon Ukraine, a subsidiary of Mellon Technologies and member of Mellon Group of Companies, was founded in 2007 in Kiev, and offers leading front-end and back-end transaction solutions and services to organizations with strong consumer business, such as Retail Banks, Public Utilities, Telecommunications Providers and large Private Companies. Incorporating the Group's international know-how with the company's local expertise, Mellon Ukraine is uniquely positioned to address the needs of its customers, enabling them to increase their market share and profitability, develop their network and introduce competitive products and services with short time-to-market across Ukraine. Our customers benefit from field-proven scalable technologies, and a wide range of expert outsourced services, implemented and supported locally: The company employs specialized staff: its technical support personnel and systems engineers fully support the company's products and services, meeting customer needs for quality of service and increased efficiency; its call centre agents are fully trained and experienced, representing our customers under the stringiest quality standards; the company's sales consultants analyse your needs and offer you the most efficient and cost-effective solutions that will best meet your requirements now and in the future. A trusting partner - What distinguishes Mellon Ukraine: The company's senior management owns extensive know how and proven capability offering valuable insight on the trends and developments that affect the business of its customers Engaged in a rapidly growing market, Mellon Ukraine puts special effort in learning from and training the end user, participating in the development of a healthy, informed economy The personnel is participating in regular training sessions and gets updated on all new technological and business trends The company offers integrated solutions and services that combine the best local and international practices, to ensure that all the client engagements demonstrate significant value addition at every stage of the 'transaction life-cycle' As a member of Mellon Group of Companies, Mellon Ukraine incorporates the expertise of the different companies and the international footprint of the group in its offerings to achieve optimum, cost effective results
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